Thursday, August 18, 2011

Some August Happenings

Top of the morning to you!!

 Can you believe that this little girl is going a whole half-year old tomorrow?!  I certainly cannot!  We have her doctor's appointment on Monday, so I will have a full report on her official stats next week.   All I can tell you right now is that she is my super sweet sunshine girl.  I know that I am supposed to be savoring every day with her and not wishing the time away, but personally I am so excited for her to get older.  It is SO fun to watch her learn new things.  She is laughing now.  I am always figuring out new ways to get her to laugh. She is sitting up on her own now too!  I can't wait for the day when she can talk with me and tell me what is on her mind and help me in the kitchen and dance around in the living room.  We are going to have so much fun together!

Now, I'm just forwarning you - the rest of this post is going to be random....

We celebrated Adam's birthday last weekend.  Just the two of us went out to a really lovely dinner last Friday evening.  The resturaunt was actually in the first building that out church met in when it first started.  It was a really cool place.  And the food was wonderful.....very fresh and unique and served on pretty plates! I made Adam trade appetizer plates with me because I thought his plate was prettier - ha :)  Here is a picture of Adam and I on the way to dinner taken by our wonderful babysitter aka.  Amaia's grandma-ma.

Love him so much

In other news, sometimes I try to make cute things in the kitchen and sometimes I fail!  On my new favorite toy Pinterest, I saw this recipe to make a calzone with a pretty lattice style design.  You might think that it looks good, but here was the problem: approximately 10 minutes into baking I realized that I had totally forgotten to the put the cheese in the calzone - duh!!  I am seriously absent minded more often than I should be.  I don't think I can blame it on pregnancy brain or baby brain any longer. 

See how pretty it looked!

Then I had to put cheese over the prettiness :(

I thought it was still pretty good.  However, I also tried to make this a healthy version of a calzone - whole wheat dough, lots of veggies....Adam gently informed me that he would prefer some meat next time around :)

Here is more proof that I have absent minded tendencies

Yes, I put piping-hot corn on the cob onto my dinner table and have these gorgeous white heat marks to prove it.  Has anyone else had this happen to them?  If you know of a way to fix it that doesn't involve me purchasing a new dinner table please do share :)


Stephanie said...

I feel funny commenting because I just started reading your blog (saw you on Callie's blog) but I have a solution! I would google it just to check around, but my mom has had this happen several times and she always puts a couple tea towels over the marks and irons over-top until they disappear - almost magically! I'd try it on a very low heat setting at first and raise it until it works.

Also, your little girl is so cute and I've enjoyed looking around your blog a bit!

ashley said...

Love the calzone pictures!