Monday, August 22, 2011

6 Months

To the sweetest girl in my world,

Wow, you are 6 months old!   That sounds so old to me, at least as far as babies go :)  You are such a sweet baby.  "Sweet", that is the word that so many people use to describe you.  I know, I know I say this all the time lately, but you are changing so much all of the time and you are becoming much more aware of the world around you.

Okay, let's get down to it.  Here are your official stats:

Weight: 15 lbs. 3 oz. (50th percentile)
Height: 26 inches (65th percentile)
Head Circumference: 17.5 inches (90th percentile)

So.... it seems that you have a big head :)  Just kidding!  Obviously that is only because you are such an intelligent girl. I am so, so happy to see that you are growing right on track.

You are a very observant baby.  You love to look around and you love to know what is going on around you.  Your eyes get so big when you are looking at something new!  You are so observant and curious that most of the time I can no longer talk on the phone or even to talk to someone else in the room while I am feeding you.  You are just too curious about what is going on and you get distracted from the task at hand.  I don't mind though.  It's so cute the way you look around and look up at me as if to ask me who I am talking to when I am on the phone.  Also, you are a much more efficient eater than you used to be.  When you were first born it took you 45 minutes to eat and now it takes you 20 minutes or even less sometimes.

You are still sleeping like a champ.  You usually sleep 10-11 hours at night and you take 3 naps a day.  At night daddy and I always sing you "Goodnight Sweetheart".  You smile at us and we kiss you goodnight.  Then we play the song from your doggie Patch and bid you goodnight.  You almost always fall asleep without a peep.   You very much prefer to sleep on your tummy.  I put you to bed on your back but you flip over to your tummy every time without fail.  It made me nervous at first, but clearly you have good neck control.  When I come in your room to wake you up you always have your head up and you are looking around the room.  When you see me in the morning you flash me a big smile --  You are too cute!!

You have mastered some new skills this month too.  You are quite good at sitting up.  Unless you lean backwards, then you fall over.  BUT if you don't lean backwards you can sit up for quite a long time.  We are working on crawling, and you try to scoot yourself, but your leg strength is just not quite there yet.  You are still a big fan of your jumperoo.  You can get quite crazy in there jumping and dancing around.  Sometimes when you are in there I dance and sing to you and you follow by dancing yourself.  You make me laugh :)  You also love to put pretty much any toy, burp rag, or basically anything you can get your hands on in your mouth.  Oh, and how could I forget you are laughing now!  Your laugh is low-pitched and like your momma, you are not an easy laugh.  You are very selective on the things that you think deserve a laugh OR you just get a laughing mood sometimes.  Things that you think are funny so far are your dad's scruffy face, doing airplanes, touching noses and clapping.  You are also semi-obsessed with your feet.

We have grown leaps and bounds in your spoon skills this month.  You open your mouth and suck the food off the spoon now.  A month ago you had no idea what to do with a spoon.  You have been eating rice cereal for a few weeks now and after we get back from vacation I am going to get some sweet potatoes from the store for you to try.  I'm not a fan of sweet potatoes, but most other people seem to like them and they are good for you so I hope you will like them :)

I will love you forever sweet girl!  And don't you ever, ever doubt that.


April Scherb said...

I love that you blog to your daughter! What sweet memories you are making for her.

Allie said...

She is the same height as Charlotte, and weighs 3oz more. Haha!