Friday, August 5, 2011

In Case You Were Wondering...

The Bible is true.

And in case you needed some proof....

I will give thanks to You, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made; Wonderful are Your works,  And my soul knows it very well. --Psalm 139:14

Seriously she is SO wonderful!  Those big eyes, those kissable cheeks....please don't mind that her headband totally does not go with her outfit.  That was my fault, don't blame Amaia.

At the risk of being to mushy-gushy we just love her so much!  Adam and I were just talking the other night about how amazing it is that God allows us to take part in making life.  That seems like just a normal part of life most of the time, but when I really think about it I realize what a blessing and privelege it really is.

Adam got tickets to the I-Cubs game last night from work so we took Amaia to her first baseball game.  I had good intentions of taking lots of cute pictures, but this is the only one that actually happened.

It's a winner though, right??  She looks so sweet and content in her daddy's arms.  She really enjoyed our walk to the game. She was looking all over the place - so many new sights to take in I guess.  I knew that we would not last the entire game with Miss Amaia, but we only lasted 1.5 innings.  Ha.  Truth be told - Amaia does not last long at anything at this point in her life, especially in the evening hours. We think she is just highly intelligent and gets bored easily :)  Scratch that - I am actually hoping that this is completely and totally normal for her age.

I was a little down on the way home from the game.  Not because we didn't get to stay for the game, but I get down when I feel like I don't know what I am doing, which in this stage of life is fairly often :).  Amaia is a complicated little lady.  Over 5 months and she is still a mystery to me much of the time.  This is when I remind myself, "You are not managing an inconvenience, you are raising a human being".  BUT, Amaia knows how to cheer me up. She is really into grabbing people's faces lately and last night we discovered that she thinks it is hilarious to touch her daddy's scruffy face.  I have never heard her laugh so much before!  I have been able to get a bit of a chuckle out of her lately when I try really hard, but not like this.  She had Adam and I laughing right along with her.  It was just one of those special moments that I want to remember.  And now I will, thank you blog :)

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