Thursday, November 24, 2011


I have approximately five-hundred-zillion things to be thankful for.  But obviously I don't have the ability to write down five-hundred-zillion things, so here are just a few....

The most amazing husband who is simultaneously my bff and the most loving and fun dad.  He is also an amazing provider, servant heart and loving/fun to be around guy. I mean I can't say enough good things about him.

A beautiful, healthy and fun little ball of joy whom we like call Amaia Ruth or pookie or Amaia the papaya.

The knowledge and reality that God loves us!  He isn't a big, unknowable God looking down upon us.  He wants us to know him.  He has gone way out of his way so that we can know Him.  He orchestrates events in our  daily life so that we would seek him and be in relationship with him.  I think that is amazing.  I come back to this verse time and time again.  I love this truth.

"From one man he made all the nations, that they should inhabit the whole earth; and he marked out their appointed times in history and the boundaries of their lands. God did this so that they would seek him and perhaps reach out for him and find him, though he is not far from any one of us."  -Acts 17: 27-28

Did you want to read a super cute story that Adam showed me last night that illustrates my point?? Click here

AND I am thankful for the little things.  Like these gorgeous flowers (leftover from my sister's wedding) gracing my table and the fact that someday I will have to be a big girl and cook my own Thanksgiving meal, but this is not that year!   So...I guess I am thankful that we have amazing families that love us and bless us with so many things and that is not a little thing :)

1 comment:

April Scherb said...

love the post! And thanks for sharing that story! It was just what I needed to read tonight!