Wednesday, November 23, 2011

9 Months!!

My sweet Amaia,

You are 9 months old!  I can hardly believe it.  I feel like you are officially an old baby and now we are just on the countdown to your first birthday!  You are an absolute joy.  Your dad once said to me, "Amaia brings joy to all who are around".  That is so true.  So many people love you so much and so many people comment to me how beautiful you are.  You are the definition of precious.

You are up to a lot of new things!  Sometimes it seems like you do something new practically every day.  I love to watch you learn new things and see how happy it makes you.  A few weeks ago you started to clap and you have loved it ever since.  You figured it out all on your own and you do it all the time.  It brings you so much joy.  You clap on your own and you clap almost any time that we sing, "pattycake, pattycake" to you.  You are making lots of new sounds.  Specifically, the "G" sound.  You are also pulling up to stand all the time and waving to a select few people, most of whom are strangers :)

You are thinking about crawling and have been for a while.  You get up on your hands and knees, but then you typically decide that is waaaay to much work and you roll to your desired location.  Your doctor predicted that you will skip crawling and go straight to walking.  We will see!

This is my best attempt to capture your new face where you squint your eyes and smile really, really big.  It is so cute!!  You love to make your face at strangers when we are running errands.

You have also started eating some finger foods.  Cheerios seem to bring you much joy!  We have cheerios with us at all times.   I have also been giving you little pieces of banana and other soft foods that we are having for dinner.  I find it so fun to give you "big people food".  You don't have teeth yet, but you do chew and you seem to enjoy having pieces of food.

You are still a growing girl.  Here are your official stats:

Weight - 17 lbs. 14 oz. (32nd Percentile)
Height - 27 1/2 inches (47th Percentile)
Head - 18 1/4 inches (96th Percentile)

I can't describe to you how much I love you.  I have been thinking about what a blessing it is that I get to be at home with you every day to take care of you.  I am really excited for the next month.  You will get to experience your first Thanksgiving and your first Christmas season.  I have a feeling you are going to love it!  Lots of pretty lights to look at, new foods to try and wrapping paper to rip into pieces!!  I love you girl!


1 comment:

Meg said...

My kids all have HUGE heads too! Lots of room for brains... sometimes difficult to get shirts over!