Saturday, October 16, 2010

23 Weeks

We are 23 weeks along as of yesterday!!  My belly (and our baby!) are growing.  In fact, I am in a friend's wedding in a few weeks and realized this week that my dress didn't fit anymore - oops!  I really didn't think it would be a problem, since the dress is fitted at top, but flowing over the belly area. Last weekend I figured I should try it on to be on the safe side and I got a shocker - there was no way that dress was zipping up!  Thankfully, it was from David's Bridal and I was able to exchange for a dress a couple sizes larger.  I still have to remind myself that the fact that I can fit into less and less of my clothes is a GOOD thing and answer to my prayers that our baby is growing and developing.

This week seemed busy! Adam and I went to a class at our hospital on baby care...swaddling, changing diapers, bathing, feeding, etc.  Adam got to change a diaper for the first time. We also got to practice swaddling and learned a lot of helpful tips.  Don't worry, all of the practice was on a doll.  We weren't experimenting on real babies.   Adam was very adamant that I was taking good notes :) Although....I'm just not sure how much we will remember to consult those once the baby is here.  I have started a baby only journal.  I have been taking all of my notes in there and I plan to use to keep track of her feeding/sleeping schedule once she is here.  Hopefully it helps me stay more organized.  Plus, it's a really cute journal :)

I also experienced a little milestone this week.  Last night, I was sitting on the couch reading when all the sudden my bible jumped up a little bit!!  I quickly put my hand an my stomach and I could feel several definite kicks.  I have been feeling movement for a few weeks now but nothing so clearly and nothing from the outside.  I so wished that Adam was home, but she was kicking a little bit more today that he was able to feel.  I am loving feeling her move more and more! 

What I am looking like these days...

Fall is by far my favorite season and the weather around here has just been perfect lately!!  It makes me wish I didn't have to go to work so often :)  This morning was another beautiful fall day, plus I got to sleep in until 7 - about the latest I can sleep anymore.  I think that means I am getting old.  I made some pumpkin scones I had from world market and got together for breakfast with my mom, sis and dear friend Allison. It was the epitome of a wonderful fall morning.  The scones were so so in my opinion.  I think they could have been a little drier and needed a little more flavor....however since having the best scones of my life at lazy janes in Madison, WI I might be a little picky.  If anyone has a great scone recipe feel free to pass it my way.  

Apple cake and pumpkin scones...fall food is the best!!

Tomorrow is our 2 year anniversary!!  We are going to go hike around in the pretty fall colors and eat lasagna and I could not be more excited!

1 comment:

ashley said...

I'm so happy to see the pictures! You look beautiful, Kristy!