Thursday, October 20, 2011

Amaia's First Trip to the ER

As the title of this post suggests, last night was one of scariest moments of my life.  My sweet, precious girl had quite the fall and we had quite the scare.

After dinner Adam and I were standing at the top of a half flight of stairs that goes down into our entryway.  I was holding Amaia and Adam says that she suddenly arched her back to lean backwards.  To be honest, I can't remember how she fell - it was a blur to me. She feel from my arms to the floor and then rolled down the stairs landing in our entryway.  Adam immediately leaped down the stairs to try to catch her, but she was just out of his reach.  She immediately started crying and we called 911.  The medics arrived within 10 minutes.  They looked her over and thought she looked ok externally, but thought we should still take her to the ER to have her checked out.  The poor girl cried and cried and cried all the way too the hospital. I think she would have gone to sleep at this point, but I was trying to keep her awake out of fear of a concussion.  At the hospital they checked her out and thought everything looked fine, but wanted us to stay for another couple hours just to observe her.  At this point I feed her and shortly after she was her normal self again.  She cracked a few smiles, started talking again and was playing -- Adam and I breathed a huge sigh of relief.  She slept on my shoulder for awhile at the hospital which was even sweeter given the circumstances and they sent us home with instructions to let her sleep, but check on her every couple hours through the night.  She slept peacefully all night.

The scene keeps replaying in my mind and I feel sick to my stomach every time.  I know that it was a total accident, but I just can't believe that I let it happen.  I honestly feel so guilty. But I did learn some things last night.  I learned that Amaia is my heart living outside of my body. I feel like my whole being just wants to guard her from every bad thing.  It's a feeling I haven't experienced before. And I learned the kind of father Adam is.  I witnessed his first instinct of absolute courage and protection.  He was amazing.

I am just so thankful that she is okay.  I am so thankful for the Lord's protection of her and I am so thankful that He has specifically designed little ones to be able to take these types of falls.  And I am so thankful for the many, many family and friends of ours that prayed for Amaia and just cared about us.  Clearly, I am not the only one that loves this little girl.


Callie said...

Oh, praise the Lord she is okay! That would be so scary. Don't feel guilty, things like this happen. My aunt fell down the stairs when she was young, and Wyatt has taken a couple of tumbles when I wasn't looking - it's bound to happen when they start getting more squirmy and mobile.

Nichole said...

I totally feel you! I fell down the stairs while holding Haven when she was 14 months. She was knocked unconscious and taken the the ER by ambulance. I STILL want to cry just thinking about it two years later! Of course, she ended up being totally fine. I felt so guilty for so long too. In the end I think it just made me even more thankful for her and for her safety and health!