Thursday, July 14, 2011

Not A Baby Anymore

Amaia has decided she doesn't want to be a baby anymore.

I feel like I put her to bed on Friday night and she woke up a pre-toddler instead of a newborn!  She wants to be in the action all the time, which means that she is not really content playing on her own for very long anymore.  I know other moms probably don't have a lot of sympathy for me, but this has been a bit of a shock to me.  It is quite exhausting to take on the new job of baby entertainer!  However it is also very fulfilling.  Yesterday I had Amaia sitting up on my bed while I played some music and got myself ready for the evening.  Occasionally, I danced to the music for her and my oh my did she get a kick out of that.  She even attempted to do a little dance of her own.  It is surprising how such small things from her can bring me so much joy.  If you know me well, you know that I don't laugh out loud very often.  Well I certainly laugh out loud with Amaia :)

Now that she has figured out that she can roll onto her stomach that is what she does every single time I put her down and then promptly starts crying because she doesn't want to be on her stomach any more.  Ha.  I tell her that she can just roll back onto her back, but she won't listen to me.  I think she just likes to have her head up so she can look around and see what is going on.  She loves to be sitting up. She has also started sleeping on her stomach every night, which honestly made me nervous at first, but I think that she is mobile enough that it is not much of a danger anymore.

We also have been attempting to feed her rice cereal.  I would not say that is going well :)  She is not a fan of wearing a bib!  I feel like I can see a bit of stubbornness coming out. Yikes!  She is constantly trying to pull it off, but I am trying to be firm that wearing a bib is not an option.  I can't decide if she doesn't like rice cereal or if she just isn't ready to really know what to do with food on a spoon.  So we are just going to keep trying it.  Maybe I will try carrots in a few days.

Lil' miss also slept until 7:15 this morning!!!!!!  And I think she might have slept a bit longer if it hadn't started getting noisy around the house.  I'm trying to retrace my steps and figure out how that happened.  I sure hope it continues.

I have new pictures that I will post soon.  Happy Thursday to everyone!


Samantha Karaidos said...

i know you dont know me, but i wanted to give you info on carrots. if you are making baby food on your own, don't give her carrots until she is over 6 months. if you are buying baby food, then they are fine. fresh carrots have too much nitrates in them for babies under 6months. if you still want to make it yourself, don't use the water you boiled the food in. that will take away some of the nitrates. nothing to be scared about, just wanted to let you know.

ashley said...

Awe. I can imagine Amaia rolling over and then getting upset because she's on her stomach. Sounds super cute and a bit entertaining. Keep us updated with the food, I wonder what she'll like. xxo.