Tuesday, July 19, 2011

5 Months!

My sweet Amaia-
Oh my goodness these summer months seem to be going by SO fast.  You are officially 5 months old.  You have changed so much over the past month.  You are no longer my sleepy little newborn. You act more and more like an older baby every day.  You perfected the rollover this month.  One night about a week ago you rolled over and over and over and since then it seems like that is all you want to do.  In fact, that is the only way you sleep now.  I put you down on your back but you immediately roll over onto your tummy. Remember when you used to absolutely hate tummy time??  I do :)  Those days are gone.

You are also getting to be quite the good sitter - with some support.  We have to keep soft things around you though.  As you can see, you fall over quite frequently.

You have also grown out of your playmat this month.  It just is not that interesting to you anymore, but you are one loved little girl and your grandma bought you a fabulous new toy and you love it so much! You were even staring at Daddy as he put it together the other night.  You light up every time I put you in it.

We tried to start giving you rice cereal this month.  You are still skeptical about it and not really sure what do with a spoon, but we are working towards making more swallows.

I love seeing you grow and experience new things.  You are my beautiful, sweet girl.  To many, many more months together!

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