Friday, July 29, 2011


If I had to pick one word to describe my current stage of life, I might pick "confusing".  Being a new momma coupled with a strong desire to do what is right results in quite a bit of that unsure feeling.

When should Amaia's bedtime be?  How should I balance being out and about with her vs. being at home? Is she getting enough to eat? Is she getting enough sleep? Is she ready for solid foods? Why is she crying? Did I do something wrong?  Is it okay for me to have the TV on when she is up right now?  How can I communicate that it is not nice to pull mommy's hair constantly? And on and on and on...

How blessed is the one whom You choose and bring near to You 
To dwell in Your courts. 
We will be satisfied with the goodness of Your house, 
Your holy temple. --Psalm 65:4

I read this verse yesterday and it reminded me that I may be a little unsure about the details of life, but I am not confused about the big things, the important things.  I am confident that I do know what is most important for Amaia and I.  I know this because God has graciously told us what is most important. He has drawn me near to Himself and given me his word to provide the answers I need to navigate this crazy world we live in.  And for that I am so blessed.

I am sure mom's of older little ones are laughing at my silly, simple questions.  I can only imagine that those questions will get MUCH more complicated :)

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