Friday, May 20, 2011

3 Months

Hey baby girl!  Can you believe that you are 3 months old today ?!  I mean....I kind of can't believe it.  I will probably say this every month, but this has been a big month for you!  You are learning so much and you have started to take notice of the world around you much more.  I know that is such a cliche thing to say, but seriously, you are starting to come alive and show us more of your preferences and personality. You are a happy girl (most of the time :))

Possibly my favorite development of the past month is that you started to enjoy your bath!  For the first few months of your life you cried HARD each time we gave you a bath, which made it quite possibly my least favorite thing to do all week, but you have most definetly changed your mind about bath time.  One day you hated baths and the next day you loved it.  I don't know what changed, but I like to think that you learned that you can trust me.  Now you smile and smile throughout the entire thing and it SO fun!

You have also started "playing" a little more this month and showing me what kind of activities you like or don't like with your smiles or cries.  You really seem to enjoy laying in your play gym.  You kick like crazy and hit your toys and are very content looking around. You also rolled over from your back to your front while playing in there and I totally missed it!  I don't know how you did it and you haven't done it again (yet!), but I was very impressed.  According to my internet reasearch you aren't supposed to do that for another couple months.  You must just be a little baby prodigy. You also enjoy when I help you sit up or stand up and we discovered that you are enjoying music more.  You light up when I sing to you ("You are My Sunshine" is our song and you love your little pink toy that plays music.  When you fuss a bit going down for a nap I play a song for you and you give me shy smile and kick your legs up - it is so cute.  You are also trying find your thumb.  You suck and suck on your little fists and I try to help you get your thumb in your mouth, but you just are not quite there yet.

You are still sleeping great at night.  You usually sleep from about 10pm until about 6am when we eat again and then go right back to sleep until about 9.  This morning we had our first loud thunderstorm and I wondered if it would scare you, but you slept through it.  This picture is a bit outdated - we don't swaddle you anymore because you like your arms free and stretched above your head.

You love your daddy.  We smile at each other all day long, but something comes over you when you see your daddy.  You make more noises with him and just get a bit more excited when he is playing with you.  He is totally more fun than me, so I understand your excitement :)  You have a really wonderful daddy.  He started working a part time job this month, so he is very busy guy but he still makes lots of time for us and he misses you (and me!).  He always makes me hand you over to him when he gets home because he misses you so.

You are getting so big love.  I want to tell you to slow down, but I am excited to get to know you better as you show your personality more and become good friends with you.  You are such a great joy in my life.


ashley said...

What a beautiful post! I am so happy for you guys and I'm also very proud to be able to be here to see it happen.

Callie said...

She's so sweet! Wyatt just started enjoying his baths more too - he used to hate them. Well, I don't know if he actually enjoys them now, but he doesn't cry anymore, so that's a step in the right direction. . .