Friday, January 18, 2013

Happy 1 month Haddon!

Our little Haddon is one month old today!  This first month has been crazy and sweet and so very fast! He is a sweet little guy and such a great baby.  He eats well, sleeps well (most of the time) and has taken to a pretty consistent schedule, which mommy very much appreciates.  He has even taken a bottle a couple of times relatively easily from his daddy, allowing me to get out by myself for a bit.  My only complaint (though I know it is just normal baby stuff) would be that he needs to learn that the hours of 9 p.m. to midnight are hours that his big sis and parents enjoy sleeping, but we will get there!

In his first month of life Haddon has enjoyed sleeping, eating, being swaddled, and his pacifier.  His dislikes would include being cold and/or naked, diaper changes, and baths, like pretty much every baby I would imagine :)  I don't know his exact weight/height stats right now, but we have moved up to 3 month clothing as of last week and I can tell that he is growing so fast! He is a long and lean looking little baby just like his sister.  He has also started giving me a few smiles, though I haven't quite been able to capture one on camera yet.

This week it was confirmed by a cardiologist that our little guy has a small hole in his heart (ventricular septal defect).  My heart dropped when I found out and the more I think about it the more thankful I am for him and worried for him.  He had to go through an EKG, x-ray, and an ultrasound and did so great through it all.  He really only protested when they were taking the stickers off of him and most of the time he just sucked away on his binkie and held my hand. All signs seem to indicate that the hole will close on it's own and won't cause any symptoms, but needless to say I am watching him very closely these days!  All we can do is pray and hope and wait for healing for his little heart.  Anyone reading this we would very much covet your prayers for our little guy.

Haddon is very loved by all of his family, but specifically loved by his big sis.  We really haven't experienced any jealousy issues with Amaia.  Although gentleness is a skill she still needs to master, she is a very sweet big sister.  She wants to hold and talk to him often. She always greets him by name when he enters the room.  She is very concerned when he cries and likes to point out his body parts for some reason.  She has taken to taking care of her dolly the way I take care of Haddon.  Dolly now gets lots of diaper changes, loves to play in the play gym and get burped.  I am just waiting for her to start breastfeeding dolly one of these days!

All in all, he is just a sweet little guy and I love him!  I can't wait for him to grow and show us his personality.  I can't wait for him to start developing a relationship with his sister and me too of course :)

1 comment:

Callie said...

WHat a cutie he is! Praying that the hole in his heart heals on it's own!