Monday, January 21, 2013

Cha Cha Cha Changes!

Lots of changes are going on in our little nest lately!

Sweet Mr. Haddon has added more craziness, cuteness, and fun to our lives.  He is changing all of time.  It seems like he is growing so much faster than miss Amaia did at his age.  He is starting to be more awake, he does not scream through every diaper change anymore (such a tough guy!) and he is starting to sleep a bit longer stretches at night.  It's amazing how an extra hour of sleep can make me feel like a new woman!  He is also starting to smile up at me after feedings, which just makes my heart happy :)

My sweet Amaia though....she is the real changer lately.  This girl is growing up so fast and will be two in less than a month!  I'm already getting sad about the ways that she does not need me anymore.  She is talking up a storm and showing her independent side lately.  I love seeing her grow up and seeing her silliness and personality.  I love that I am starting to be able to have actual conversations with my daughter!  However, this increasing independence is making me a bit stressed about her safety!! 

On Saturday afternoon, I was sitting downstairs feeding Haddon and heard a loud thump from upstairs. Adam ran up the stairs and the next thing I heard was lots and lots of tears.  My baby somehow figured out how to climb out of her crib.  Thankfully, she only had a bit of a blood in her mouth and a fat lip and I am hoping that she learned from that experience.  Pain is a wonderful teacher, right?!  But, I have never wanted a video monitor so badly! Clearly, Amaia is not taking after her very cautious mother :)  Now, I just run to her room the moment I hear that she is awake, remind her over and over again that she should NOT try to climb out of her crib, and pray a lot!  Ready or not it seems that it is big girl bed time.  Wish us luck!

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