Thursday, January 3, 2013

Haddon at 2 weeks

Our little guy is 2 weeks old already!  Actually 2 weeks and 2 days now.  So far he has proven to be quite the little gentlemen.  He eats well, sleeps well and poops quite well! He nurses so quickly that I was nervous that he wasn't eating enough.  However, we went to his 2 week check-up yesterday and he is gaining weight like a champ, so he must just be a fast eater, which is wonderful!  

He is developing a bit of a fussy period from about 9-12 at night, but I have gathered that there isn't really anything wrong he just has his days and nights a bit confused and wants to party instead of sleep.  His big sister did this same thing for a while and I am confident he will adjust soon.  After he gets to sleep at night he usually sleeps for a couple of 4-5 hour stretches, which wonderful!

He is a handsome little guy and I just really love him! I can't wait to see what his personality will be like as he grows older.  For now, he mostly sleeps and eats, so I don't have too much to report.

Here are his 2 week stats:
Weight: 8 lbs. 13 oz. (57%)
Height: 21 3/4 inches (94%)
Head Circumference: 15 inches (97%)

1 comment:

Callie said...

He is such a cutie! I love reading about your little guy since he and Gwen are so close in age. :-)