Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Awesome Amaia at 22 Months

It has been a while since I have a written an update on my favorite little girl, and she has been up to A LOT over the last few months.  Time is flying by, although she is acting more and more like a two-year old, I can't believe that her second birthday is quickly approaching!  Amaia is an absolute joy.   She captures more and more of my heart the older she gets. I could gush for a LONG time about how great I think she is, but I will just highlight a few areas.

Amaia experienced probably the biggest change of her life thus far this month.  She became a big sister!  For a little 22-month old she has handled it with remarkable maturity.  I have been so impressed with her and I know her big sister skills will continue to grow.  She said Haddon's name perfectly from the moment she met him and the first thing she said was asking to give him a hug.  She plays so well on her own while I am tending to her baby brother, she offers him lots of hugs and always greets him with "baby Haddon" when she sees him.  She seems to have gracefully welcomed Haddon into our family and it really doesn't seem to be affecting her much at all.  We still need to work on the art of gentleness and nice touches with a baby, but overall she is so sweet and affectionate with him and it makes my heart so happy.

Amaia's language skills have really, really taken off over the past few months.  At 18 months she was just saying a few words and now I cannot even count how many words she says.  She says everything it seems like.  She knows ALL of her letters, can count to 10 and knows all the colors in the rainbow.  She says "Go Hawkeyes!" to the pride of her father and so, so many other things.  She is putting 3 words together to form short sentences and I just love that I can talk with my daughter....sort of at least :)

Amaia is starting to become quite the little lady and develop some favorites too.  She likes to carry around a "purse", she is starting to pick our her own outfits and most often wants to wear purple.  She likes to come in the bathroom when I am getting ready and brush her hair along with me.  She also loves Elmo and all of the Sesame Street characters.  She is starting to sing some songs.  She can sing most of the alphabet song, although "L, M, N, O, P" need a little work :)  She looooves the letter "W" for some reason and gets very excited about watching Wheel of Fortune!  Lately she has become very fond of the song "Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star" and is remarkably good at singing it too.

Amaia is expanding her social circle.  She loves mommy and daddy of course, but she also loves her Grandparents (Grandma & Pop Pop to her), her Aunt Ashley, and buddy the dog.  She doesn't get to see her Aunt Jessica and Uncle Steve very often, but still talks about them after seeing them for a short time and tells me that they are fun.  She also loves just about every other little girl that she sees. When we pray at night she often names all of her favorite people as if to give thanks for them or pray for them.  I am not sure what she means, but she always wants to remember them in her prayers and it is pretty sweet :)  If she is playing with a phone and I ask her who she is calling she often says she is calling her friend Oscar.  She is pretty shy around new people or in new situations, but usually warms up after 5-10 minutes and has a very silly side when she is comfortable in her surroundings.

Having Haddon in our lives now gives me perspective for just how big she has become!  I love each stage of her life more than the last, but I am starting to want time to slow down a bit.  I love her so!

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