Tuesday, December 20, 2011

10 Months!

My Dearest Amaia,

You are 10 months old and more fun than ever!  You make me laugh incredibly easily and often with your adorable faces and sounds.  Your dad and I love you SO much.  I love spending my days with you and your Daddy is constantly telling me how he misses you and wishes he could spend more time with you.  Sometimes, I ask him if he thinks that we should ask someone to come over and watch you when we have something to do at night and he says "No, I want Amaia to come with us.  I miss her!".  He loves you :)

You seem so old all of the sudden!  If you look closely at the picture above you can see a couple teeth just starting to peek through.  You have also become much more vocal over the last few weeks.  You are making new sounds loudly and often!  Your favorite thing to say is still "ga, guh, guh" but you have also developed an affinity for "da, da".  Your daddy sure hopes that you are working hard at calling him daddy soon.  I love this new development.  I just cannot wait until you can talk to me and tell me what you are thinking!  You crack me up without saying a word, so I can only imagine how much fun we will have together once you can talk too.

On the day you turned 10 months old you officially slept 12 hours un-interrupted for the first time.  You have been sleeping through the night since you were about 2 months old, but you had been sleeping 8-10 hours.  So proud of you baby girl!

You have also developed a very strong preference for standing.  You often resist sitting down when I put you down, you are happiest standing and you are always trying to pull yourself up on whatever you can get your hands on.  You are also becoming really good at taking steps while we hold your hands. I am beginning to think that you are going to skip crawling all together.  If you are on your tummy you don't try to crawl very much and you would always prefer to be standing.  You also still love your jumperoo and for some reason have taken quite the liking to the tomato on your jumperoo.  You love to stand up and just hold onto your tomato.  When you start talking you are going to have to tell me what it is about the tomato that you like so much, ok?!

You are turning into a great eater.  You have been eating more and more table foods and you can handle soft chunks of food bigger than I would think.  You still love your cheerios and you are also now consistently eating, oatmeal, bananas, applesauce, chunks of carrots (pureed carrots currently disgust you), tuna, tilapia, green beans, peas, mixed veggies, yogurt and you have had tastes a variety of other things too.  I made homemade chicken noodle soup last week and I gave you some of the carrots from the soup and you liked them, but you LOVED when I let you slurp some of the broth.  I am glad that you like my cooking.

Your personality is showing itself more and more all the time.  Your are goofy and silly and all kinds of fun.  We love you so much baby girl.


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