Tuesday, April 19, 2011

2 Months: A Letter

My sweet Amaia,
You are 2 months old today and it blows my mind!  You are such a good, sweet baby girl and you have grandparents, aunts and friends that love you so much!  You are a lucky girl.  These past two months have been a whirlwind for our family, but I honestly have a hard time remembering what life was like without you.  I love spending my days with you and I don't want to wish my time with you away, but I can't wait until you can talk to me and we can have so many fun times together.
You are getting so big and learning so many things all the time.  You are smiling and making all kinds of cute noises for your dad and I.  You particularly enjoy laying in your play gym and you make many of your smiles kicking around in there or when dad or I are making funny faces at you.  Your smile melts my heart.  It really is the highlight of my day every single time.  You are such a beautiful girl and even more so when you smile.

In the first month of your life we struggled a little to get you to catch on to breastfeeding and gain weight, but not anymore!  Today you weighed in at 10 lbs. 12 oz.  I was amazed!  Just last week we went to a breastfeeding class at the hospital and you weighed almost a pound less than that.  Good job girly!  You are in the 50th percentile for your weight and the 75th percentile for your height at 22.75 inches.  I think you are going to be tall!
You also had to get your first set of shots since you were born today and you did so great.  All of the nurses and your doctor commented at how good and sweet you were as they poked and prodded you.  You were laying there so peacefully until the nurses gave you your shots and then you immediately turned red and started crying.  You calmed down pretty quickly after I had you in my arms, but it just broke my heart!!  I wanted to take you out for an ice cream treat after that because you were such a tough girl....someday we will do that together!
You have also started sleeping through the night as of last week.  Thank you!!  I really appreciate it!  You are usually sleeping 6-8 hours at night now, which means I am too and it does the body good for the both of us.  You also take several hour long naps during the day and you are a happy baby girl most of the time.  You do usually cry more in the evening, but I know as you grow up you will grow out of that.
We love you so much my little sweetie p!  I can't wait to get to know you more and more!

1 comment:

Meg said...

You're a sweet momma! That made me tear up... pregnancy hormones! I'm so glad that you are enjoying your daughter! What a blessing!