Friday, February 4, 2011

39 Week Update

So here is what Adam looks like at 39 weeks ;)
 And here is what our family is looking like these days...
 Okay, I just had to post these pictures.  We had our last labor class last night and I will admit that I was looking forward to the empathy belly since signing us up for class.  After getting slightly freaked out by the 500 million things that can potentially go wrong during birth, this was the perfect thing to lighten the mood.  It was just so funny to watch the dads put this on and try to tie their shoes, turn over while laying down, etc.  I was nervous that we weren't going to be able to get through all of our classes, but we have officially graduated and can have our baby now!!
I am feeling sort of "ready" though.  At least I feel about as ready as one can be for such a big life change.  I'm just excited to meet this mystery girl already!


Anonymous said...
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Sarah and Jed said...

We are excited to meet her too!