Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Haddon at 5 months

Haddon is 5 months old!  This milestone totally caught me by surprise.  I really do feel like he just turned 4 months old, but alas these kiddos keep getting older.

I absolutely love my Haddon.  He such a blessing and a joy to me.  He has the sweetest little personality.  Life can be a bit crazy at times for me right now, but Haddon's smiles are a calming force in my life and such a blessing to me.  That sounds awfully cheesy, but it's true.    

Haddon had a bit of sleep regression right after he turned 4 months old.  I have heard that this is really common, but I couldn't seem to figure out why.  He started waking up earlier or even in the middle of the night for a few nights there, but I think we are back on track with sleeping well at night and for naps.  He is still on a 3 hour schedule during the day and sleeping 9 or 10 hours at night.  He usually has a longer wake time in the morning, mostly because we are often out doing things at that time of the day and then has a couple longer naps in the afternoon. 

Haddon still enjoys his playmat, LOVES playing peekaboo and being talked to and he really likes being held to stand up.  One of the biggest things going in Haddon's life right now is the roll over.  He has totally perfected rolling from his back to tummy.  He does it over and over again, but can't seem to figure it out the other way around (although he has done that before too), so he just cries until we come rescue him.  Silly guy :)

Haddon also really loves his big sister Amaia (as do I!).  He smiles and smiles when she comes around and doesn't complain too much about her poking.  Amaia is really great big sister too.  She sings Haddon songs when he needs cheering up, she tells him sweet dreams with me before naptime, she loves to bring him his toys and she tells him "it's okay buddy" when he cries :)

Amaia even offered to take a picture of Haddon and I and I took her up on it.  Not bad for a two year old.

We haven't tried any solid foods yet, mostly because I don't want to :)  He is doing really well breastfeeding and I want to keep my little guy little, but soon I won't have a choice and he will get to venture into the world of solid foods.

Haddon is our sweet, sweet lil' joy.  I love him so. 

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