Friday, November 30, 2012

38 Weeks: Ready & Rearin' To Go!

Today I am officially 38 weeks along and to be honest I have felt ready to go for a couple of weeks now :)  We are just waiting for baby boy to be ready to go!  When I was pregnant with Amaia, I remember being more than okay staying pregnant past my due date.  I must have been anxious about the changes that were coming.  This time around I am already quite impatient!!  Oh dear, not a good sign :)

However, I have been thankful for more one on one time with my favorite big girl and for more time to get our home clean and organized.  

In an effort to freak Amaia out slightly less when she meets her baby brother for the first time we took her on a tour of the maternity ward at the hospital I will deliver at.  We got to see all the different rooms and a baby in the nursery.  She seemed slightly interested :)  I don't know if it will make a difference for her or not, but it was worth a shot and it was actually a fun little family night out.

I have also been trying to be more intentional with Amaia in talking about her baby brother.  We have the book "God Gave Us You" and pulled it back out at Amaia's request last weekend.  We haven't read this book in months, but we came to this page and for the rest of the night she was pointing to my belly saying "baby, heartbeat, papa".  I am confident that she understood and remembered the times she has been to the doctor with me (and her papa) to hear her baby brother's heartbeat.  I am so amazed at the things she understands sometimes.  She is a smart little girl.

Other than that I have just been prepping the house.  Our house is all decked out with Christmas decor and I have most of our gifts purchased and wrapped!  Today I also finished ALL of the laundry and cleaned ALL of the bathrooms, which is kind of a lot for this pregnant lady.  At my last doctor's appointment I was 2 cm dilated and the baby is low and in correct position, so it really does feel like any time now.  The sooner the better in my opinion :)

Hopefully my last pregnancy update this time around....

How Far Along:  38 Weeks

Maternity Clothes:  ALL maternity clothes all the time

Gender:  Boy!

Movement: Lots of movement and I can tell that the baby is very low now

Sleep:  Not sleeping super well at this point.  I get up every two hours for a bathroom break and have been having lots of headaches in the early morning hours for some reason.  

What I miss:  Being able to run around and do all the things I am used to doing

Cravings: No specific cravings, just craving to meet the little guy!

Symptoms:  I can do very little these days without my body being VERY sore.  It is a bit sad.  Oh and I have a very large belly - that is a pretty big symptom!

Best Moment this week: Adam and I had a "last hurrah" date last night.  We visited "our" restaurant, Thai Flavors and it was glorious.   AND I think we even decided on a final name....still subject to change of course, but I think we made progress :)

1 comment:

Callie said...

You look so cute! I can't wait to read about your boy's arrival!