Thursday, August 9, 2012

The Big Reveal

Yesterday was my favorite day of pregnancy - ultrasound day!!!  I love having ultrasounds so much! They make you forget about all of the inconveniences of pregnancy and focus on the fun part and the real part- we get to have another sweet little baby!!!  It made me so much more excited for everything to come and our littlest one is looking great and measuring exactly on my due date, December 14th.

Adam and I wanted to find out in a fun way if we are having a boy or girl, so we basically copied and idea from our friends Matt and Allie :)  We ordered a custom ice cream cake and had a blueberry filling if it was a boy and a raspberry filling if it was a girl.  At the ultrasound I had the tech write down on a card in an envelope what we are having and after our appointment I took that card and showed it to the folks making the cake.

Let me tell you it was HARD to not peek at the results.  This envelope holding the answer sat in my purse ALL day long and keeping surprises are not my strong suit.  To give you an idea, I have been looking up the Olympics results online all week long because I just can't wait to find out.  Also, I tend to read the end of books first, so that I know what is going to happen. I am honestly surprised that I did not peek, but I made it all day long.  

We asked everyone to dress in something that would signify their prediction.  You can't see in this picture, but my dad was wearing a pink bracelet :)  And Amaia and I are not pictured, but we both predicted girl.  That is 6 for boy and 5 for girl.

The cake was really yummy.  Coldstone is the best.

And....the big moment....

(scroll down if you don't want to watch the video)

That's right it's a boy!!  Obviously we are excited!  I was predicting girl, but I have to admit I did have a "boy" vibe after our ultrasound this morning.  If anyone has any boy related advice for me, please do tell, because I feel like I have no idea what to do with a boy!  Ha :)  But I am excited!  I think knowing how much love I have for Amaia and just how happy she makes the both of us, makes the anticipation even more exciting. We do want more children in the future, but this already feels like our family is complete.  Let the shopping begin! 


Adam Horning said...

We also learned you can't turn the iPhone in the middle of a video. WHOOPS! = )

Callie said...

Congratulations, that is so exciting!