Friday, February 17, 2012

An Entire Year

One year ago today...

I was sitting at my desk working and mostly wondering if my little girl was EVER going to make her appearance.

I was eating spicy foods, eggplant, and going on walks every day trying my best to not need to be induced.

I was on my hands and knees on the living room floor in pain wondering, "How do I know if this is 'real' labor?"

I was calling Adam to tell him I wasn't feeling the best, but he didn't need to come home.  Good thing he didn't listen to me :)

Adam was grilling steak and I was eating bites between contractions.

I was pulling my first all-nighter since college.

I didn't know how beautiful my little girl was.

I didn't comprehend the life-changing all encompassing nature of motherhood.

I didn't understand the absolute joy and swell of affection and emotion I could feel for a tiny little girl we call Amaia Ruth.

1 comment:

Sarah and Jed said...

I can hardly believe a year has passed so quickly!