Tuesday, September 20, 2011

7 Months

To my sweet Amaia Papaya,

Wow, you are seven months old! This past month has gone particularly fast, I think because we have been so busy traveling the country and learning new skills!  This month you went on your first road trip.  Hopefully it was just the first of many road trips we will take together.  We went to Colorado with your Grandma-ma and Grandpa-pa.  We asked a lot of you on this trip - crazy schedules, lots of car time and napping on the go.  You had to be in your carseat a lot!!  BUT you really didn't protest until our very last day when we were on our way home anyways.  You coped with all the changes really well and it was so wonderful to be together as a family all week long.  Your daddy and grandparents loved being with you all week and got a kick out of figuring out new ways to get you to smile and laugh.

After the 6 month mark, we needed to get serious about foods other than rice cereal for you.  We started out with sweet potatoes.  You were not impressed with those one bit.  I don't really like sweet potatoes either so I don't blame you.  You don't have to like those, because let's be honest - I am probably not going to make them very often :)  Next, we tried green beans and for the first few days you made a funny face as if to communicate that it was the most disgusting thing you ever tasted.  I thought it was cute :)  I told you that you didn't really have a choice about eating your veggies and one day you just magically starting liking your green beans!!  I am excited to try out more foods with you.  Next up is squash and avocado and then we can move onto fruit (the good stuff!).  You are a happy girl when you are in your high chair and I can't wait until I can figure out how to coordinate all of our meals so that our entire little family can have dinner together.

You are also getting quite good at sitting up - you don't fall over very often anymore and even standing up!  You seem to really enjoy standing up and if I put your hands on our ottoman you can stand by yourself.  Here is what gets you excited these days: putting anything you can get your hands on in your mouth or just putting your hands in your mouth, going fast in the stroller, reading books, your jumperoo, singing songs, splashing in the bath, listening to daddy play the guitar and anything that you see me using a lot - my water bottle or the remote control are VERY interesting to you.  The other night you started to make what seemed like a fake coughing sound, which I thought was kind of funny.  Daddy and I started to make the same sound back at you and you thought that was SO funny!  Lately it is one of your favorite things to do and it is a sure way to get you to smile.  Actually, it is a sure way to get a smile out of me and your dad too!  I love seeing your sense of humor emerging.

We didn't have a doctor visit this month so I don't know your exact stats, but it is safe to say you are still growing at a rapid pace!  I can tell by how quickly you grow out of your clothes.  You are one long and lean baby girl.  You are already wearing the 12 month size in a few things.  Fall is my favorite season and I am loving dressing you up in fall clothes.  You don't have to try at all to be cute.  So many people comment to me about how beautiful you are and I agree wholeheartedly!

I love you so much sweet girl.  You will always be my favorite big girl!!

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