Saturday, December 21, 2013


ONE.  Our Haddon is 1!  I can hardly believe it.  This year has gone by so quickly.  On one hand I am always a bit excited to be exiting the baby phase as it can be a bit on the stressful and tiring end of the spectrum :)  However, Haddon has been one of the absolute sweetest babies I have ever met and I can tell by his more recent demeanor that our cuddling days are numbered, so I am bit sad.  Hopefully he will still have cuddling moments with me, even as he grows older.

At ONE year Haddon is so sweet and happy, a great sleeper and really starting to interact and truly play more.  He loves dumping things out, banging things together, bouncing to music, books, playing peek a boo, being tickled and watching his big sister.  We have a long way to go on his mobility, but he is so good at manipulating things with his hands and Adam is having visions of him being a star Hawkeye basketball player in the future. :)

He weights 18 lbs and is 29.8 inches long and loves to eat.  In fact, he has still never rejected a single thing I have given him to eat which amazes me. He is also starting to sign "more" to me when I am not feeding him fast enough.  The amount to which he eats amazes me as well….maybe it's a boy thing?! We tried out whole milk yesterday and he was a big fan! Though the cup is a big change for him that is taking some getting used to.

He is a great sleeper as well.  He sleeps from about 8:30 at night until 8:30 in the morning.  His morning nap is starting to get shorter (he only needs a half hour to an hour now) and sleeps from 2-5 in the afternoon along with his sister.   He has one bottom tooth and two on top that are just starting to poke through.

Basically, he brings me immense amounts of joy and is all the best things for our family all rolled up into one sweet guy.

Happy birthday Haddon!!  Mommy loves you SO much!

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