Friday, July 26, 2013

Haddon at 7 Months

Our sweet Haddon is 7 months old!  Actually, he was 7 months old over a week ago, but I am running a bit behind due to the fact that moving is A LOT OF WORK :)

I don't know how many more ways to say that I love Haddon!  He is simply the best little guy.  He melts my heart over and over again.  He is such a happy, sweetheart of a guy.  He did have a bit of a whiny phase this past month (though it was a crazy month for us all).  I was just sure that he would be getting some teeth, but none have appeared yet.

This month we have been working on Haddon's sitting skills.  We still have some work to do, but he is getting better and looking good doing it.

And his eating skills...

The squeals of delight really start coming out when he is in his high chair.  He loves banging his spoon around and probably just having a new perspective on the world in general. So far we have mastered peas and carrots.  We have also ventured into applesauce, peaches and sweet potatoes but Haddon does not seem to be a fan.  

Haddon continues to adore his sissy.  Oh how he loves her.  Amaia can't sit next to me while I am feeding him because he will just stare over and her and smile and not eat :)  I don't blame him, she is a pretty awesome big sister.

He is officially on a longer schedule now eating at around 6:30 in the morning, 9am, 12:30, 5, 8 and then bedtime.  He is also taking a 3 hour nap that coincides with big sissy's 3 hour nap in the afternoon. I have been working on making that happen for awhile and it is so worth it!

My favorite little guy in the world!

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