Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Happy 6 months to my blue-eyed boy!

Haddon is officially 6 months old! I know that I say this every month, but he is seriously the sweetest little guy.  So full of smiles and such a happy boy.  He brings so much joy to our family and oozes cuteness all day long! The past couple of months have been crazy at times as we have been selling our current home and looking for a new one, but holding him and seeing his sweet smiles make me calm down just like that.

Haddon continues to take after his sister by being long and lean as well as having a big head :)  Here are his current stats from our doctor visit this morning:

Weight: 15 lbs. 13 oz. (18%)
Height: 27.75 Inches (91%)
Head: 17 1/2 Inches (82%)

Haddon adores his sister!  He is happiest when she is around and surprisingly doesn't seem to mind when she pokes at him, lays on top of him or drops things on him :)  You can't tell from this picture (Amaia isn't the best at smiling for the camera at this point in her life) but she adores him too.  She is beyond sweet to him and it makes my heart melt.  She greets him the in the morning, sings him lots of songs, always gets his toys out for him and gives many hugs and kisses throughout the day.

She loves to do tummy time with him too!

Haddon is quite proficient at rolling over nowadays!  Though he still does not enjoy being on his tummy for very long.  We are making progress on sitting up but aren't quite there yet. He mostly likes to roll around on the floor and check out what is going on.  He loves shaking his rattle around and playing peek-a-boo with him is a sure way to get him to giggle.  He is starting to become more easily startled lately.  His lower lip comes out and it is so cute and sad at the same time.  He typically recovers pretty quickly but he doesn't like anything too loud or to much in his face.

We started on the some rice cereal a couple of days ago.  He is doing well and opening his mouth for food, but I don't know if he has actually swallowed anything yet.  I plan on making some peas and carrots for him in the upcoming weeks, so that he start his journey into the world of big people food!  He looks so tiny in that chair!  And yes....I need to get him some non-girly bibs :)

Haddon is sleeping wonderfully.  He goes to bed between 8 and 8:30 and sleeps until 6:30 or 7 in the morning, eats and then back to sleep until 9.  After that he is still eating every 3 hours during the day and taking 3 naps a day.  I do think he is ready to go a bit longer between feedings so we need to try that soon as well.  He is so easy going that I often go in his room to get him up and he is awake just patiently waiting for mommy.  

Aaahhh!  I just love my Haddon.  It is simply a privilege to be his mommy and spend my days with him. 

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