Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Haddon: 2 months!

My little guy is 2 months old!!  He is growing, growing, growing just as little babies should.  I can barely keep the correct sized swaddling blankets around!  AND he is just barely fitting into his 3 month sleepers.  I am going to have to go out and get some 6 month sized clothes for him very soon.  I can tell that he a long and lean baby like his big sister and that was confirmed at the doctor this week.  Here are his current stats:

Weight: 12 lbs. 4 oz. (68%)
Length: 24 Inches (89%)
Head: 16 1/4 Inches (96%)

Apparently I have babies with large heads :)

The first couple months of his life have gone by so fast! And yet so much has changed over the past few months.  I know what I am his mom and would think this no matter what, but I think he is so very handsome!  He is looking more and more like his daddy all the time he is such a cutie! He has also started smiling a lot lately.  He has the cutest big, gummy grin.  It melts my heart.  As long as he is fed and well-rested he will smile every time I bring him up to my face and smile or talk to him.  I can tell that he recognizes Adam and I and it's such a sweet reward for weeks of hard work to see his sweet smile.

He is on a very consistent eat/sleep/play schedule during the day.  He eats every 3 hours during the day and then stays up for 45 minutes to an hour and then goes down for a nap.  The evening and nightime is unfourtunately not so consistent YET!   Sometimes he goes down great at bedtime and sleeps for 5-7 hours, and then there are some rough nights where its more like every 3 to 4 hours and he is just has a hard time settling down from about 9 to midnight.  But I know we will get there in time.

Haddon's doctor did NOT hear a heart murmur today either!!!!  This means that there is a very good likelihood that hole in his heart has closed on it's own.  We won't know for sure until going back to the cardiologist after he is year old, but this was such great news!  Praise God!  So thankful for my little guy.

1 comment:

Callie said...

What a cutie he is! So glad to hear that the heart murmur is gone!